Project Description

  • And the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit. — Acts 13:52

D. L. Moody (a Billy Graham of his day), told of an incident in connection with an early visit to London. He had gone there for a visit. He was virtually unknown in London; so he did not expect to preach; but a little while after arriving there he was invited to preach for a certain church, which he did. He said it was a very cold and uninteresting service to him, but he announced that he would preach again that night. Upon reaching the church, he noticed that the atmosphere had changed, he did not know just why. At the close of the meeting, he was led to give an invitation for those who wanted to be saved to stand. A great crowd of people stood. He left the next day for Dublin Ireland. Shortly after arriving there, he received a telegram from the church to return, stating that the whole community was in an up stir and outcry for a series of revival meetings. He went back, and found that a great revival was beginning and hundreds of people were being converted.

Not long after, he learned the secret. An invalid lady, who could not attend the church, was praying for a mighty outpouring of the Spirit upon the church. She prayed for months. Once she saw in the papers accounts of some of the Moody meetings in America, and although she had never heard of Mr. Moody before, she began to pray that God would send him to her church in London for a revival. One Sunday morning, her sister upon her return from the service informed her of Moody’s presence and his preaching, whereupon she spent the whole afternoon in prayer that God would make that night a night of power. That explains the difference between morning and evening services!

Do you long for God to move in power? For a mighty outpouring of the Spirit upon your family and church? What would it be like if God moved in power and there was an outpouring of His Spirit upon your family? Your church family. Pray for that today.

Pray that God would move among our students. Pray that their hearts would be softened to His leading. Pray that they would be drawn to read His Word and spend time in prayer. Pray that they would have a hunger for God’s Word and God’s Ways.