Project Description

Who knows, perhaps you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this. — Esther 4:14

When Timothy Dwight became president of Yale, the new class that entered in the autumn of 1796 included only one freshman who was a “professing Christian,” while the sophomore class contained none. The college church had itself dwindled to two members. A reversal of the situation seemed hopeless.

President Dwight encouraged the students to debate openly the validity of the Christian faith, allowing each student to state his case without fear of reprisal, and then the president entered the list of speakers himself. For the next six months President Dwight preached steadily on the central subject of Christian Faith. Though his eyesight became so bad that only with the greatest difficulty could he write or read a single sentence, he still preached twice every Sunday, taught his class, and administered the college. He added to his official duties a special set of lectures on the Evidence of Divine Revelation.

Finally, in the spring of 1802, revival came. One third of Yale’s two hundred and thirty students professed faith in Christ. Over thirty of these would enter the ministry, while the others, in various ways throughout their lives, spread the influence of the Christian message.

Perhaps you work in a place where few are Christians. Maybe you wished you could work alongside fellow believers. Perhaps your circle of friends is not as interested in the Scriptures as they ought to be or aren’t interested in spiritual growth. Maybe they aren’t stepping up to accept opportunities for serving others.

Pray. Stay where you are unless God moves you…perhaps you are there for such a time as this. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s promptings. As He leads, speak the truth in love. Use your influence. Watch God make a difference.

Pray that God would powerfully work through you in your sphere of influence.

Pray that God would powerfully move in our services this weekend as we celebrate Communion together.

Pray that God would draw people to worship Him this weekend through the power of His Spirit.