Project Description

The short book of Philippians is one of the most quoted in the Bible, yet Paul wrote it not for the popular sound bites, but to paint a picture of a mature Christian faith. While many give their lives to Jesus, few then go on to live a life of truly vibrant faith.

What does Christian maturity look like? Find out when you take Chandler’s guided tour through Paul’s Letter to the Philippians! Forsaking the trendy and emphasizing authenticity, he mines Scripture to reveal tangible ways to develop a faith that encourages you to die to self and live through, for, with, and in Jesus. To live is Christ, to die is gain—this is the message of the letter. Therefore, our lives should be lived to Him, through Him, for Him, with Him, about Him—everything should be about Jesus.

Led by Pastor Gerald
Book Cost $16
Group Meets Mondays @ 7pm
(September 12 – Nov 21)